FUTOUR has an extensive project experience not only in Germany but also on a vast international scale. Since its inception the company has successfully finalized more than 1.000 projects with always laying emphasis on feasibility respectively the project accompanying implementation of immediate measures.
Our international reference examples show off our professional expertise. Get a picture for yourself!
- Management concept for the regional Museums Association Zwickau
- "Garden & Health im Münsterland"
- Conduct of the international Summer School-Workshop "Garden Marketing"
- Environmental quality for El Gouna, Egypt
- Green Travelbridge
- Lecture: "Garden Tourism – a growing offer" an international comparison
- Pilot Tour Slovenia
- Quality Label for Aqaba, Jordan
- Quality of Service (QoS) for the Pongau (Squap)
- Regional Park Dinkelberg
- Seminar "Geo Tourism in the Muskauer Faltenbogen Geo Park"
- Seminar on the theme of „Sustainable Tourism and International Eco Certification"
- Summerland Wurzeralm – Experience the Alps (geological trail)
- Valorisation and cross-linking of the "CrossCulTour-Biketrail"- Saale
- „KulturErlebnisWelt Wincrange"
- More references in german